Course curriculum

  • 3

    Technique & Tools

    • Painting Handles

    • Wet Palettes

    • Basics of Contrast

  • 4

    The Skin

    • Basecoats

    • Burgundy Highlights

    • More Highlights

    • Airbrush Smoothing

    • Airbrushing Basics (Youtube)

    • Burgundy Glazing

    • Bad Bruise Glazing

    • Max Highlights

    • Yellow Glazing

    • Skin Complete

  • 5


    • Initial Highlights

    • Secondary Highlights

    • Tertiary Highlights and the Hair Halo

    • Eyebrows

    • Hair Complete

  • 6

    Eyes Mouth and Teeth

    • Eyes

    • Teeth and Tongue

    • Eyes, Teeth, and Tongue Complete

  • 7

    Pants and Sleeve

    • Basecoat

    • Initial Highlights

    • More Highlights

    • Final Highlights and Shading

    • Pants Complete

  • 8

    Skirty Bits

    • Basecoats

    • Highlights

    • Shading with Glazing

    • Skirt Complete

  • 9


    • Basecoats

    • Shading

    • Initial Highlights

    • Secondary Highlights

    • Leaves Complete

  • 10

    Leather and Belts

    • Basecoats

    • Initial Highlights

    • Final Highlights

    • Strings

    • Leather Complete

  • 11

    Dead Pixies

    • Basecoats and Highlights

    • Hair and Ropes

    • Severed Pixie Heads Complete

  • 12

    Non Metallic Metal

    • Dagger

    • Pauldron

    • Environmental Glazing

    • Final Highlights

    • NMM Complete

  • 13

    The Base & Final Touches

    • Painting the Base and Adding Tufts

    • Painting the Water and Special Effects

    • Adding Blood Effects

    • Base Complete

  • 14

    Warrior Complete

    • We're done!....or are we?

    • Congratulations!

    • Your Input