Course curriculum

  • 2


    • Brushes

    • Brush Care (Youtube)

    • Paints

    • Wet Palettes

    • You're Doing Wet Palettes Wrong (Youtube)

  • 3


    • Massive Disclaimer

    • How to Think About Technique

    • Thinning Acrylics

    • My Primary Method of Blending

    • My Secondary Methods of Blending

    • Systematic Approach to Highlighting and Shading Models

    • Flat Example

    • Reflective Example

    • 3D Lighting Reference

    • Highlignting Gotcha

    • Ultimate Guide to NMM (Youtube)

    • How to Highlight Everything (Youtube)

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    • A Colorful Caveat

    • A Quick Lesson in Vocabulary

    • How I Think About Color on Miniatures

    • What Inspires My Color Schemes

    • Deconstructing Niobe by Aythami Alonso Torrent

    • Helpful Resource

  • 5

    Face and Arms

    • The Beginning

    • Anemic Caucasian Palette

    • Rough Sketching

    • How to Paint Really Small Details

    • Eyes

    • Final Highlights

    • Futzing

    • Photo Critique

    • Exhaustion

    • Day Two Highlights

    • Arms

    • Face and Arms Complete

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    • Hair Palette

    • Applying Our Highlighting Knowledge

    • Rough Layering

    • Refinement

    • Hair Complete

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    • Antlers Palette

    • Painting the Antlers

    • Antlers Complete

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    • Jerkin Palette

    • Subtle Reflectivity

    • Adjusting for the Boxart

    • Fixing the Upper Left Breast

    • Jerkin Complete

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    • Shawl Palette

    • Initial Shawl Highlight

    • Final Shawl Highlights

    • Shawl Complete

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    • The Beginning

    • Cloak Palette

    • Another Helpful Highlighting Trick?

    • Establishing the Main Blends

    • Bluegreen Glazing

    • Minor Weathering

    • Cloak Complete

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    • Bark Palette

    • Painting The Bark

    • Bark Complete

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    • Pants Palette

    • Painting the Pants

    • Pants Complete

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    NMM Silver

    • NMM Palette

    • Flat Planes Suck to Paint

    • Struggles with Symmetry

    • Photoshop Tests

    • Breaking Up

    • Weathering

    • Environmental Glazing

    • Scale Mail

    • Blood

    • NMM Silver Complete

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    NMM Copper

    • NMM Copper Palette

    • Painting the NMM Copper

    • Ruining My NMM With Glazing

    • Wrist

    • What About the Other Knee?

    • NMM Copper Complete

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    Arm Bandages

    • Bandages Palette

    • Painting the Bandages

    • Bandages Complete

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    Belts and Straps

    • Belt Palette

    • Painting the Belt

    • Belts Complete

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    The Finish Line is Nearing!

    • Gluing on the Head

    • Adjusting the Shoulder

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    Dead Head

    • Dead Flesh Palette

    • Painting the Flesh

    • Dead Flesh Glazing

    • Hair Palette

    • Painting the Hair

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    The Base

    • Wood

    • Moss

    • Mushrooms

    • Clump Foliage, Static Grass and BLOOD

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    We're Done, Baby!

    • The Ranger Complete

    • Your Input